
Word of mouth marketing is incredibly important for your balloon business. Why? Because people trust their friends and family more than they trust advertisements. If someone recommends your business to a friend, that friend is more likely to trust you and hire you for their next party or event. But how do you increase your word of mouth marketing and get more customers? In this blog we are going to share a few tips to increase word of mouth referrals to your business.

Word of mouth marketing is simply the act of people talking about your business to others… It really should be a key focus of your marketing because it’s so cost-effective and highly targeted. By delivering excellent service and asking for referrals, you can create a real buzz about your business in your local community! In order for it to work effectively there are some key things you need to do…

Provide excellent service

This one seems obvious, but it’s worth repeating. If you want people to recommend your business, you need to provide excellent service. This means showing up on time, being professional, and creating out of this world balloon decorations. If you go above and beyond for your customers, they will be more likely to recommend you to their friends.

Ask for referrals

Not enough balloon biz owners ask their customers for referrals… Don’t be afraid to ask your satisfied customers for referrals. Most are only too happy to let everyone know what an amazing job you did for them! You can do this in person, through email, or on social media. Let them know that you appreciate their business and would love it if they could spread the word about your business.

You can even offer a future discount or a free balloon bouquet for every referral they send your way. This works especially well when working with venues like hotels and restaurants!

Use social media

Asking for referrals on social media is a great way to increase your word of mouth marketing and expand your social media reach all at the same time… Post pictures of your balloon decorations on Instagram and Facebook, and encourage your followers to share your posts. Make sure you tag customers in your post as when they comment their friends are more likely to see it. You can also run a social media contest where people can win a free balloon decoration by sharing your post or tagging their friends.

Partner with other businesses

Partnering with other businesses in your community is a great way to get more exposure. For example, you could team up with a local event business and offer a discount for anyone who hires both of you for an event. Or you can regularly share each other’s work on your page so you benefit from each other’s audiences and the recommendation that customers can trust you to do a good job. This way, you both benefit from the partnership and can refer customers to each other.

Attend local events

Word of mouth isn’t just about getting others to talk about your business. You need to get out there too and shout from the roof tops what an amazing service you offer. Attending local events is a great way to get your name out there and meet potential customers. Set up a display at a community fair or festival, and bring some of your best balloon decorations to show off. Make sure you have plenty of leaflets to take away about the amazing balloons you can provide for their next event. You can also offer a special discount for anyone who hires you on the spot.

Word of mouth needn’t cost any money though… make sure you are telling everyone you meet in a conversational chatty type way what you do… One of the easiest ways to do it is when making appointments… “Let me check my diary… I am a balloon decorator… I do lots of weddings and parties, so I get really busy…” Simple as that… and often it will strike up a conversation especially if the person you are speaking to has an event coming up!

Ask for reviews

Don’t be shy about asking your happy customers to leave a review on your social media pages or Google My Business listing. You can send a follow-up email or message after an event, thanking them for their business and requesting that they leave a review if they were satisfied with your service. Make it easy for them by including a link to your social media page or Google My Business listing.

In conclusion, word of mouth marketing is essential for your balloon decorating business. By providing excellent service, asking for referrals, using social media, partnering with other businesses, and attending local events, you can increase your word of mouth marketing and get more customers. Good luck!


Hi there! It’s so great to have you here! Having grown my own balloons and venue decor business I now really want to help you grow a profitable and successful business too! I can’t wait to see where your journey takes us! Make sure you come join us in the FREE community

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Until next time… Stay Amazing!
Sonia x

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