Welcome to the fourth video in the Pricing for Profit Series! In this video blog, I am going to address the big worry a lot of Balloon Business Owners have if they put their prices up – “Will I lose customers?”. So grab a cuppa and learn how to stop guestimating and start pricing for profit in your balloon business!
Hands up if the thought of losing customers puts your head in a total spin?! Yep there are very few balloon business owners who won’t admit to that… Unfortunately, that’s because in our industry it’s only a few, very successful businesses, that have worked out it can actually be a GOOD thing to lose customers – if they are not the RIGHT customers for your business.
Putting your prices up will without a doubt get you asking yourself the question – “Will I lose Customers?” It’s a natural response… if customers think you are now more expensive surely they will shop around for someone cheaper and your business will suffer! Will you even have a business left? These are all questions I asked myself when I put my prices up!
I am not going to lie putting my prices up was a painful experience for me… I had to put my big brave girl knickers on to do it… I pretty much hated doing it!!! But (and it’s a big BUT) once I had done it boy! was I so much happier for doing it! My business didn’t die the death I thought it would, instead it grew more because I had the time to do the things I needed to do and I was bringing in more money than before!! My only regret with putting my prices up was that I didn’t do it sooner!
If you are worried about putting your prices up because you will lose customers then this video is made with love for you!!
In this video I am going to walk you through:
- The difference between having a hobby you charge for and running a business.
- Why reducing the number of customers in your business can be a GOOD thing
- Which customers you want to keep and which you don’t.
- How to put your prices up with existing loyal customers you want to keep.
- What happened to me in my business when I finally put my prices up.
- Why I wished I had done it sooner!
If you would like more help to GROW your business, you can also access the FREE Resource Library Here at the Balloon Biz Academy.
- Printable workbook to calculate your pricing on the go and have as a reminder.
- Helium Pricing Cheatsheet – a printable for most of the common cylinders – each showing how many of the most popular balloons you can get from it – Simply divide the cost of your cylinder by the number ~ fill in the sheet and either take a photo to store on your phone or print it for your diary. Now you won’t have to do the same calculations for helium every time! You will have it to hand for fast and easy pricing!
- How much helium is left in my cylinder Cheatsheet.
- 20 Ways to Market Your Balloon Business
- 200 Reasons People Need Balloons Other than Birthdays – open up a world of opportunities worth thousands of pounds.
- Free Cut files and so much more
I hope you found this video blog useful! – If so, please leave me some love!
Do you worry about losing customers when you put your prices up? Let me know in the comments – I will reply and try to help if I can 🙂
🎈Until next time… Stay Amazing!🎈
Sonia x
Find The Other Videos In the Pricing For Profit Series By Clicking on the Images Below
About Sonia
In today’s unpredictable world it’s not enough just to make amazing balloons. You also need to know HOW to grow your business.
Having run my own balloon business for over a decade I now help other balloon business owners, just like you, grow thriving and sustainable businesses.